:: KPL :: Lao News Agency
— Read on kpl.gov.la/en/detail.aspx
What happens when anti-dam protestors win? – Southeast Asia Globe
With hydropower dams springing up across Southeast Asia, what can local communities learn from one Thai village’s triumph?
— Read on southeastasiaglobe.com/what-happens-when-anti-dam-protestors-win/
Planning dam portfolios for low sediment trapping shows limits for sustainable hydropower in the Mekong | Science Advances
Planning dam portfolios for low sediment trapping shows limits for sustainable hydropower in the Mekong | Science Advances
— Read on advances.sciencemag.org/content/5/10/eaaw2175
An important research paper which highlights the need for transboundary planning and coordination.
Commemorating French support in Lao PDR
Ongoing French support for Laos Hydropower
Review of Renewable Energy Resources in Lao PDR | NREL
A new study reinforces that there is abundant Renewable Energy Resources in Lao PDR | News | NREL
— Read on www.nrel.gov/news/program/2018/abundant-renewable-energy-resources-exist-in-lao-pdr.html
Route 13 to be Improved and Maintained with World Bank Support
To be implemented from 2018 to 2023, the project will receive US$40 million in financing from the International Development Association (World Bank), and co-financing of US$40 million, US$38.5 million, and US$9.5 million from, respectively, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Government of Lao PDR, and the Nordic Development Fund.
— Read on laotiantimes.com/2018/07/23/critical-lao-road-improved-maintained-world-bank-support/
To be implemented from 2018 to 2023, the project will receive US$40 million in financing from the International Development Association (World Bank), and co-financing of US$40 million, US$38.5 million, and US$9.5 million from, respectively, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Government of Lao PDR, and the Nordic Development Fund.